Tech Newswire

Funding Cleaner Manufacturing for SMEs

The Good Fashion Fund, launched in September, aims to drive change in the apparel and footwear supply chain by investing in cleaner technologies in India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.


The fund is a collaborative effort between the C&A Foundation, the Hong Kong-based The Mills Fabrica, and FOUNT.


The Good Fashion Fund is the first investment fund focused solely on the implementation of innovative solutions in the fashion industry.  The problem isn’t a lack of sustainable solutions, it’s a lack of capital to scale these solutions.


The fund was created to address this gap, connecting the most promising technologies to the industry.


The new fund combines risk-tolerant capital with private sector investment, which allows for flexibility and tailored financing to best fit each individual’s situation.


The vision for the Good Fashion Fund is to focus on the “Five Goods”: Good Energy, Good Water, Good Materials, Good Economy, and Good Lives.


Small to medium-sized manufacturers whose products or services are in line with these criteria and are looking to implement best-in-class technology and equipment will be eligible for funding. The fund is also mandated to support larger manufacturers committed to investing in highly disruptive technologies.



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