In line with its strategy to fuel the future of footwear with winning material solutions, BASF introduced Elastopan polyurethane for the midsole of Mizuno’s new training footwear – TC-01 and TC-02. The high-performance material solution enables Mizuno’s ‘Center of Balance’ (COB) technology that accurately transmits information to the soles of the feet through activation bumps molded into the surface of the midsole. The training shoes TC-01 and TC-02, made with BASF’s PU materials, were developed to pursue improved balancing capabilities, and in turn, advance athletic performance.
The new optimized polyurethane grade introduced in Mizuno’s new training footwear has high hydrolysis resistance and good bonding strength. Unlike conventional materials, BASF’s polyurethane materials can conform easily and seamlessly to the uneven shape of the activation bumps molded into the surface of the midsole.
Pitney Bowes reveals stats on the explosive growth of global package delivery. (mouse over video to adjust the sound)