Tech Newswire

Vibram Opts Out of Amazon

Vibram, a producer of high performance rubber outsoles, has decided to no longer sell on Amazon.


Vibram revolutionized barefoot running with its Vibram FiveFingers shoe. A major relaunch is planned for Vibram FiveFingers during Spring 2021, and in preparation, Vibram Corporation (USA) has decided to stop selling its Vibram FiveFingers products directly to Amazon USA, allowing the brand to fully support its retail partners.


"As part of Vibram’s emphasis on elevating consumer experiences together with more direct, personal relationships, we had to take a strong decision in our distribution strategy. Earlier in the summer we made the choice to stop selling our Vibram FiveFingers product directly to Amazon USA. This isn't a decision we took lightly, but Vibram is a brand. We will continue to invest in strong, distinctive partnerships for VIBRAM Corporation with other retailers,” said Fabrizio Gamberini, Global Chief Brand Officer and President, Vibram Corporation.

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