Tech Newswire
Archive by tag: FTAsReturn
Morocco’s Industry Minister Moulay Hafid Elalamy has once again raised concerns about the amount of textiles being imported from Turkey into Mor...
| Categories: Sourcing
China’s Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council announced it would be temporarily adjusting import tariffs on 859 commodities – at ...
| Categories: Sourcing
 On December 1, 2019, the Protocol to Amend the Free Trade Agreement between China and Pakistan entered into force, making substantial revisions ...
| Categories: Sourcing
“The EU-Singapore trade agreement - effective as of today - will boost trade, benefitting companies, farmers, workers and consumers on both side...
| Categories: Energy


Pitney Bowes reveals stats on the explosive growth
of global package delivery.
(mouse over video to adjust the sound)