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AATCC Updates Test Method for Antibacterial Finishes

AATCC TM100 is one of the most commonly used test methods to measure antimicrobial activity on treated textiles. This method, developed in the 60's and updated periodically, has now been updated to more accurately capture the performance of today's antimicrobials that have a smaller environmental impact. This revised method provides the industry with more consistent and uniform test results.

A diligent and collaborative effort of the members of AATCC RA31 Committee, Antimicrobial Activity, resulted in a revision of AATCC TM100. The Committee looked at the history of method, the common practice at many test laboratories, and spent an extensive amount of time to understand the issues of the test method and how these issues affected the variability of the test results from multiple laboratories around the world.

The knowledge gained was used to craft a revised method that now provides the industry with more consistent and uniform test results.

This revised AATCC TM100-2019 eliminates the variability on many of the critical steps that previously led to variability in test results, even on identical substrate.

AATCC TM100-2019 is now available for purchase through the AATCC website and will also be included in the AATCC 2020 Technical Manual released January 2020.

Labs can evaluate their performance on antibacterial test methods by participating in the AATCC Proficiency Testing Program. Registration for 2020 rounds opens this month. The Antibacterial Module is distributed in April.


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