Tech Newswire
Archive by category: ComplianceReturn
With COVID-19 raging in countries like Spain and Italy, and quickly spreading in the UK, Germany, the U.S. and many other nations, international brand...
| Categories: Compliance, Other
To help tackle the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, H&M Group is now quickly arranging for its supply chain to produce personal protec...
| Categories: Compliance
Crystal International Group Limited has long been striving to create better working conditions for garment workers, lead sound labour practices and in...
| Categories: Compliance, Sourcing, Sustainability
The long awaited trade deal between the EU and Vietnam, EVNFTA, has already met with backlash from groups who say the deal fails to meet much of what ...
| Categories: Compliance, Sourcing
The eighth major Forum enforcement project (REF-8) concentrating on the online sale of substances, mixtures and products has entered its operational p...
| Categories: Compliance, Quality Management, Sustainability
Indian garment manufacturer Purecotz is now the first textile factory that has been certified according to the Fairtrade textile standard.  To ea...
| Categories: Compliance, Sustainability
Crystal International Group Limited adopted a smart medical consultation platform oDoc in its Sri Lanka’s factories earlier last year, offering ...
| Categories: Compliance, Other
OEKO-TEX updated its existing guidelines as well as the valid test criteria and limit values for their certifications and services.   The up...
| Categories: Compliance, Sustainability
Turkey will increase the minimum wage by 15.03% in 2020, for a monthly net minimum wage of 2,325 Turkish lira ($392).   The Turkish Central ...
| Categories: Compliance, Sourcing
SMART Myanmar is continuing its work in a third phase as SMART TaG, a new project also funded by the European Union and co-funded by private...
| Categories: Compliance, Sustainability
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Pitney Bowes reveals stats on the explosive growth
of global package delivery.
(mouse over video to adjust the sound)